4/18燕姿留言:hi guys
DEAR FRIENDS. HOW'S LIFE? Sometimes when I have nothing to update I get a bit nervous....
no don't get me wrong, I don't feel obliged to say anything here,
but I do wish I can share something meaningful all the time. But speaking of meaningful, I have made a conscious effort to
stay healthy. Mind you, this impulse only happens once in a blue
moon, and it isn't easy when my motto is to indulge. But I like the
way it makes me feel, and the gratification lasts longer than
eating a chocolate cake. So the moral of the story is, try and incorporate a tiny healthy
habit into your lifestyle. It could be eating a bit more vegetables,
walking home (or your dog), doing weights while watching tv
whatever. When you wake up the next morning, look in the
mirror and scrutinise your body. Every little hint of muscle or a
miniscule bulge on your biceps, a flatter abdomen, will get you
going the next time you work out. ok that's all folks. Gotta go. Love
最近生活怎么样? 有时候我没有在网站里写新的留言时,我会感觉有点不安, 请不要误解我哦,我并没有觉得是被强迫在这儿留言(这儿指的是燕姿官网),而是一直真的想和你们分享一些有意义的东西。 不过说到“有意义”,我就一直有意识地努力让自己健康地生活。 请注意,我产生这种念头往往只是一时的,而且挺不容易的,因为是我的座右铭是纵情享受。不过,我喜欢这种让自己感知的方式,它所产生的满足感比吃巧克力蛋糕还要棒! 所以我说这些话的意义在于你要试着将一些细微的健康习惯带入你的生活中。比如说,每天多吃一些蔬果;步行回家(可以带着你的小狗);看电视的时候做一些运动。当你第二天醒来时,对着镜子审视你的身体,发现有长肌肉的迹象或者手臂更结实、腹部更平坦了,这都会促使你坚持那些健康的习惯。” 澳。我必须走咯 爱你们的燕姿 |