《标题》For Better Or Worse
I just came back from a trip with 4 of my girlfriends of 12 years. As expected, it was filled with non-stop shopping and feasting and shopping and pigging.
我才刚刚和四个我认识了十二年的女性朋友旅游回来,就像我所预想的一样,这真是一次不停买东西、吃东西,接着又是买东西、吃东西的行程。(LEO Man按:燕姿在台湾应该有看过那个香港的旅游广告吧?或许她们五个人就是到香港去玩也说不定,行程只有四天,是不可能从新加坡到欧美的,燕姿又刚去过日本,要到处逛街又要有美食,香港是蛮有可能的。当然,大陆蛮多城市也很有可能。)
It is one thing to see each other over a lunch or dinner, it's another, to spend 4 days, all 24 hours of each, being with one another. Naturally, we had our differences. We had differences in food, in clothes, in "what the room temperature should be", how we should spend the afternoon, how long we should tan, what time we should wake up....
On one particular shopping excursion, we decided to break into different groups and meet up after an hour.
W: "Good thing we split up, I think we were looking at really different things."
J: "Ya but I thought we should really shop together with M, I mean, her clothes are quite uninspiring, and dull....we should help her pick out stuff."
S: "Maybe she's happy with her stuff, maybe she doesn't need what we think she needs."
J: "But she cannot go on looking frumpy at 26?"
W: "Ok la, maybe she's happy with how she looks. "
S: "Ok if we see something that we like and she might like, then we'll buy it for her."
S(LEO Man按:S应该是Stefanie,也就是燕姿吧?)说:「也许她这样穿得很自在呢,或许她并不需要我们觉得她欠缺的东西。」
Turns out the 'gorgeous' mock-croc clutch bag was, "not very practical, I can hardly put my wallet in but thanks anyway guys!" She ends up with a bag she feels pressurized to carry when we go out together next time.
When we assume that what we have is better than what another person has, should we try to change their mind? Should we try to tell them that their 'precious' is "dull and uninspiring" and that they are NOT better off when in fact, their senses tells them that they are? Who is better off?
Say if I hate durians, and someone tells me I'm missing out because they are sweet and fragrant. Am I still missing out if I think they are gross? (FYI: I like durians)
A not so recent article wrote that the Africans, though having marginally less material comforts than most developed countries, were happier people. Who is better off?
Something for you guys to chew on.
see u later alligators
(LEO Man按:英文里「in a while, crocodile」和「see you later, alligators」里面的crocodile和alligators都是鳄鱼,不过这两句的意思都是「再见了、待会见」的意思(是为了押韵,比较俏皮的说法),可参考 http://www.vschool.com.tw/engevery/2000/2089053.htm 或 http://ksw.hbeeh.edu.cn/er/book.asp?user=1243 )
爱你们的燕姿 转自yanwo 这个好象比较贴,前面哪个太生硬了 |