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[燕姿留言] 2012-02-15 孙燕姿最新博文 V Day

发表于 2012-2-15 19:50:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
                                   V Day

    Last night we ventured out on our first married Valentine's Day date.

    We decided that it would be the only time in the year when we deliberately remove our rings so as to mimic the impression of dating

    The restaurant was nice enough, rose petals were strewn over the table top and a single stalk of rose awaits the lucky lady.

    We nestled comfortably in the seat, placed our orders and started the evening with a nice chat.
     It gradually became apparent to us that the singing in the background was less than perfect. It was a Simon Cowell moment.

    "It's a no for me."
    "Sounds a bit too pitchy for me."
    "I'm sorry sweety, you're so beautiful and talented, keep on believing the dream ok sweetie? Right, thanks."

     After hahawing for some time, I noticed the table behind us were making faces. They were obviously displeased with the choice of music and performer. (Yes I must say the male makeshift guitarist/singer was remarkably pitchy.) The lady started making comments about it to another table across the room and looking quite sullen throughout the entire dinner.

    As much as we find her reactions hilarious, we talked about singing in places like this. I don't know. I don't envy the trio of musicians, I really don't. Imagine trying to sing to people who are not really there for you, you are supposed to be background music to their conversations, and not fight to reach above the decibels with your craft.

    I suppose in a better time and place, I might also do it. And hopefully then, even if I know they are not listening, I can still hear myself above the chatter, and still be perfectly content.

    (This is not supposed to be a sad entry btw, just like to pin a contemplative note to things nowadays. Btw I am running out of new things to do. Can I get some suggestions please?)






   渐渐地,我们开始明显感觉到背景音乐的演唱不那么完美。于是我们像美国偶像的毒舌评委西蒙•考威尔(Simon Cowell)那样评论起来。









注:Simon Cowell, 英国人,从1979年便开始了自己的流行音乐事业,由他慧眼识英并一手打造出著名男孩合唱团体Westlife。他是选秀节目《美国偶像》的创始人之一,也是三大评委之一,以尖刻严厉的“毒舌”著称。他的直率、经常有争议的批评,侮辱参赛者能力的俏皮话具有鲜明的个人特色。
        翻译:by Joyapple

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