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2009-06-30 Bite of the Spider-woman How Stefanie Sun made a grown man cry

发表于 2009-6-30 01:47:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
From Today newpaper

Bite of the Spider-woman How Stefanie Sun made a grown man cry
by Christopher Toh 05:55 AM Jun 26, 2009CAN Stefanie Sun really make somebody cry?

She's so affable, amicable, and gosh-darn likeable, it's very difficult to picture everyone's favourite pop princess reducing a grown man to tears. However, she apparently did just that last month during her concert in Taipei.

"It's always a panic backstage to change costumes quickly," Sun told Today. "It was this ruffle outfit and I couldn't get out of it! The zip was stuck halfway down my back. And there were four or five people were trying to take it off, but it was so tight and fitted that it was impossible."

So Sun did what any woman who only had 30 seconds to change would do: "I said, 'Cut it'. And they were like, 'No, cannot, tomorrow there's another show'. But I was like, 'Just take a scissors and cut it'.

"So someone did that. And I quickly changed into the next costume and got onstage just in time to start the next song. It was such a close call.

"We told the stylist that we had to rip off the costume and they said there were tears in his eyes, because he spent a lot of effort on it!"

Hopefully, such wardrobe malfunctions won't happen when the 31-year-old pop star performs here at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on July 11 - her first concert here in three years. This tour, which will see her head to Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Malaysia after the Singapore gig, will be markedly different from her other shows, mostly because of the futuristic stage sets and her song list.

"It's a bit avant-garde and the song list - most of it - is actually is more tailored towards the concept," she said.

"There will be the familiar hits, but you will get to hear more of the B-sides, which are very important to me, otherwise I wouldn't have recorded them!"

You've done all kinds of shows ...

I haven't done Cirque du Soleil-type shows yet!

This show seems more thematic than your previous concerts. Why the change?

The title of the concert is The Answer Is ... and, I know, it sounds a bit pretentious, but the point is I haven't been around for two years and people have been asking me questions like, "Why haven't you come up with another album?" or "Aren't you scared of being replaced?" And I've been asking myself questions like: "What's going to happen next in my life?" or "What am I doing this for?"

This concert, well, it's sort of an explanation to these questions.

How so?

It's about trying to find answers and trying to dabble with the concept of time. Because some of these answers you'll only know in the future. Which is why the theme is very futuristic and very avant-garde. I hope people will like it. You know, at least enjoy the show visually, even if they don't get it.

This concert also marks your 10th year in show business. How do you feel?

I feel a bit older! There was one time where this relative newbie to the scene came up to me and she called me "Yan Zi jie" (big sister). And I was like: "Hmm, I've got to get used to that now!" But I feel quite good.

So you weren't afraid of being replaced?

I don't think it's possible to replace me! (Laughs) But if you think of people like Anita Mui or Sammi Cheng - it's difficult to replace them because they had their own style and all that. And you kind of build a bond with the fans. And sure, some part of you wants to have new fans, but at the end of the day, you don't really crave it any more.

The younger people might not really know me, but that's okay.

Is it true that you weren't too pleased about the Taiwanese press asking about your boyfriend?

There are things you cannot control, but there are things that you needn't respond to. Like, everybody seems to be concerned about my ... certain private situations and ask all these questions. But I feel like, if you don't respond, just say, "It's private", they can't do much.

I think that's why I like to stay here in Singapore. It's okay to say "no" here. I mean they're fine over there, too, but they have this urge to, like, to know more, and do it furtively. The paparazzi there really just do things without your knowledge and that's intrusion. You don't get that here in Singapore.

You mentioned how fearless you are. What's the most fearless thing you've done?

To do this concert after two years! That's the ironic thing! You want to have the freedom to choose, but at the end of it, when you do have the freedom to that, it actually becomes a weight when you can choose. Because it's just you. You're the one who has to make the decisions; you are the one who's bearing the consequences.

Like in Spider-Man, they say, "With great power comes great responsibility" - and having that freedom of choice is power. So ... I'm, er, Spider-woman!

Stefanie Sun's The Answer Is ... tour lands Jul 11, 8pm at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Tickets at $78 to $168 from Sistic. At last check, only $78, $148 and $168 priced seats were left. Call 6348 5555 for more details.



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-30 08:51:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-30 09:49:58 | 显示全部楼层



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-30 11:50:09 | 显示全部楼层
谁能把它翻译成中文。 谢谢
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-30 11:51:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-30 13:23:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-30 20:07:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-1 14:56:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-30 14:21:21 | 显示全部楼层
谁来行行好 给咱翻译一下
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发表于 2009-6-30 15:10:55 | 显示全部楼层

克里斯多托上午05时55 6月26日, 2009CAN孙燕姿真正做到有人哭?


“总是恐慌后台服装迅速改变, ”孙说,今天。 “这是这个生气装备和我无法摆脱它!拉链陷入中途下来我回来。而且有4或5人企图它关闭,但它是如此紧凑和安装,这是不可能的。 “

因此, Sun公司做了任何女人谁只有30秒的改变将尽: “我说, '把它' 。而且他们都喜欢, '不,不能,明天还有一个节目' 。但我想: '你需要剪刀和削减。


“我们告诉设计师,我们必须撕裂了服装,他们说,有泪水在他的眼睛,因为他花了很多的努力吧! ”

我们希望,这种衣柜不会发生故障时, 31岁的歌星在这里演出新加坡室内体育馆于7月11日-她的第一场音乐会在这里三年。此行,将看到她的头,以上海,北京,香港和马来西亚,新加坡演出后,将明显不同于她的其他节目,主要是因为未来阶段集和她的歌曲列表。

“这是一个有点前卫和歌曲列表-大部分-实际上是更适合对概念, ”她说。

“将会有熟悉的访问,但你会得到听到更多的B -双方,这是对我很重要,否则我就不会记录他们! ”




的标题音乐会是答案是...和,我知道,这听起来有点狂妄,但问题是我并没有在两年和人民一直问我问题,如, “为什么你不拿出另一个相簿? ”或“难道你不害怕被取代? ”和我一直在问自己问题,如: “将会发生什么明年在我的生命? ”或“我这样做呢? ”





我觉得有点老!有一次在这个相对新手现场走到我面前,她叫我“燕资杰” (姐姐) 。我想: “嗯,我得去适应,现在! ”但我觉得相当不错。


我不认为这是可能的接替我! (笑)但是,如果你觉得这样的人或梅艳芳郑秀文-这是难以取代他们,因为他们有自己的风格,这一切。和你种建设债券的球迷。和肯定的是,部分你想有新的球迷,但在一天结束的时候,你真的不渴望它了。



有些事情你无法控制,但有些事情你不必回应。想,每个人似乎都关心我的...一些私人的情况,并要求所有这些问题。但我觉得,如果你不回应,只是说, “这是私人的” ,他们不能做的。




像蜘蛛侠,他们说, “随着大国意味着巨大的责任” -与拥有自由选择的权力。所以...我,呃,蜘蛛侠的女人!

孙燕姿的回答是...游览地7月11日,晚上8点在新加坡室内体育馆。门票为78至$ 168从Sistic 。最后检查,只有78美元, $ 148和$ 168的价格席位离开。呼叫6348 5555了解更多详情。
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