孫燕姿前晚擔任怡豐城(Vivo City)正式開幕禮的表演嘉賓。她為出席開幕禮的嘉賓和歌迷足足表演了1個小時,演唱了多首經典歌曲,如《遇見》、《神奇》、《同類》、《天黑黑》等。
Viva la VivoCity! December 02, 2006 AsiaOne Story and photos by Joel Boh
Two months after opening its doors to the public, Singapore's largest multi-experiential retail and lifestyle destination celebrated its official grand opening with a big bang on Friday night.
Performances by Stefanie Sun and American music performance ensemble, String Theory climaxed with a dazzling fireworks display, which lit up the entire HabourFront precinct, much to the delight of the crowd gathered there to catch the action.
Derived from the word, "vivacity, VivoCity is positioned as an iconic retail and lifestyle destination that will constantly surprise and stimulate visitors with its vibrant mix of unique, ever-evolving retail and entertainment brands and concepts, a place bubbling with energy and flowing with vitality
In less than two months since its soft launch in October, VivoCity has attracted 7.28 million visitors
Speaking at opening ceremony, Mr S Dhanabalan, Chairman of Temasek Holdings, highlighted VivoCity's impact on the economy, including providing 7,000 new jobs for Singaporeans and creating value for the tourism sector
"VivoCity has lived up to its positioning as a destination providing not just retail but also refreshing lifestyle and leisure options for everyone," said Mr Dhanabalan
As part of the grand opening celebrations, shops will stay open till midnight on every Saturday this month, from Dec 9
Now that is good news for shoppers scampering for their last-minute Christmas presents
Viva la VivoCity!
孫燕姿賣米6位數入袋 (新加坡訊)小天后孫燕姿人長得瘦、吸金實力卻很“雄厚”,因為太瘦,她居然讓商家看到“商機”,找她代言香米,賺進6位數之餘,還有吃不完的泰國香米!不僅如此,孫燕姿說:“廠商很慷慨,還把燕窩、雞精、靈芝送到我家……” 新加坡老字號人月牌,繼網羅鄭惠玉、範文芳和鐘琴代言旗下產品之后,前天大手筆正式和小天后孫燕姿簽約,荷包滿滿的燕姿在記者會上笑得都合不攏嘴!一開口即“專業”問候:“吃飯了嗎?”讓廠商笑得合不攏嘴。 問及這次被相中當代言人的原因,燕姿俏皮回答:“你不覺得我很需要嗎?”至于代言酬勞,燕姿表示“不方便透露”,但直言有6位數! 燕姿的經紀人說,燕姿很愛吃飯,而且餐餐都須有飯,別看燕姿瘦瘦的,她每餐也能吃一碗飯,“心情好就會多吃一點,但我平常的食量就還好,就大概只吃一碗飯!”后她也笑稱,曾經有將飯煮成粥的經驗:“如果是在家和父母吃飯就會比較小心,我應該是吃飯比煮飯更厲害吧!” 燕姿還自爆,連到非洲都會覓尋中餐廳!“不管到哪裡,都一定會有中餐廳!我最多每5天中至少要有一頓是飯吧,這已經成了一種習慣了!” 燕姿說,自小就和家人養成每天晚餐一起吃的習慣,不過現在要到處飛,目前正在為新專輯錄音的孫燕姿說,不可能像從前那樣:“但每個月起碼有一星期會在新加坡,就會和家人邊吃邊聊。” 那她會煮飯嗎? “很簡單的還可以,我喜歡買很好的牛排,然后去煎,再沾漿料吃。” 那她未來的另一半要很會煮飯羅? “嘻嘻,最好是!” 聖誕節有私人行程 孫燕姿聖誕節不要工作,她說:“有私人行程。” 很護著隱私的她表示,聖誕節和生日,她都不會排工作,希望和家人溫馨度過。 問她怎樣慶祝,她只說,聖誕節時會在新加坡,至于慶祝活動,她說:“私人行程”,不便公佈。 她透露,家裡雖然不是信奉基督教的,但這些年來也養成送禮的習慣:“想到這個,我就頭痛!有很多禮物要買,給家人、親戚、好友……和工作人員。” 因為禮物都是自己一件一件挑的,所以很費時。 預先為歌迷獻唱慶聖誕 孫燕姿前晚擔任怡豐城(Vivo City)正式開幕禮的表演嘉賓。她為出席開幕禮的嘉賓和歌迷足足表演了1個小時,演唱了多首經典歌曲,如《遇見》、《神奇》、《同類》、《天黑黑》等。 她更現場演唱了聖誕組曲,預先與歌迷朋友慶祝聖誕節。在場的約1000名觀眾在表演結束后,還不願離去,頻喊“Encore”。 孫爸爸和媽媽前晚也到場支持寶貝女兒,燕姿在演唱《我的愛》時更走下台與父母擁抱,還與現場觀眾握手。 http://www.chinapress.com.my/con ... mp;art=1203en10.txt