sunyanzi sunyanzi
發表於: 2006-09-16 02:15:53
(Subject)16/09/06 (标题)2006年9月16日
Dear all, 亲爱的大家
I know, it's been a while since i've written anything here. And it will probably be a while before the next one. Like the Chinese saying goes, there isn't a never ending banquet. It's funny how people get attached to a whole web page. 我晓得,我已经有好一阵子没在这边留言了,而且下次恐怕会是遥遥无期了。就像中文谚语所说的「天下无不散的筵席」,为何这么多人会聚集在一个网页上呢?这真的很有趣。
I remember writing my first message. I was thinking about how i should write it, how it should sound, what it should say. And over time, the words just flowed. The stories just came, and the feelings just surfaced. I still haven't met all of you, and sometimes we are just strangers typing away on our keyboards, in the office, on our beds, at our desks. The only thing that binds us, is the music. 我还记得我在这里写下第一篇留言的景象,那时我一直在考虑我该怎么写、这留言该给歌迷们怎样的印象,还有它该表达些什么?而经过了这段时间,你我的留言一篇接一篇,你我的故事一段接一段,你我的情感越来越浮现。我还是没有认识你们每一位,有些时候我们只是各自在办公室里、在床上或在书桌上不断敲打着键盘的陌生人。音乐,是我们之间唯一的紧密连结。
The road ahead might be long and winding, but it might take us to another plane, another world, another moment to cherish. Life has been good to me and my stubborn optimism tells me, it's not the end my friends. 在我们眼前的道路或许漫长蜿蜒,但是它可以导引我们到另一个阶段、另一个世界以及另一段值得珍惜的时光。一直以来我都过得很顺利,而且我的朋友们,乐观的我总是告诉自己,我的好运不会就这么结束了。
I have kept some of the messages that had given me strength and inspiration, thank you all for being with me through the ups, and some downs. 过去这里有些留言给了我力量与灵感,我都把它们存档了。谢谢大家一直陪着我,不管我处于顺境或有些低落的时候。
This was a special place. The next one will be greater, bigger, and better, because we will be there. Let's move on. 这里曾是一个很特别的地方,下一站将会更棒、更大、更好,因为我们会到那里。让我们一起往前进吧!
love, yz 爱你们的燕姿
(以上燕姿留言翻译 by 狮子座男子 Leo Man)