秀才 发表于 2008-10-30 18:02:17

08/10/29:Come (Able)

<P>Abel留言英文中文對照翻譯如下: <br>(Subject)Come <br>(標題)是時候了 <br><br>I got a message 2 days ago from a DJ friend of mine: <br>Girl we love you ah! <br>兩天前,我有個DJ朋友傳了剪訊給我: <br>「我們(還是)很愛妳!」 <br><br>so I messaged back: <br>Erm, why ah? <br>我回了簡訊: <br>「哦,怎麼了?」 <br><br>he replied: <br>Aiya the newspaper is being bitchy again.... <br>他又回覆: <br>「唉呀,報紙又有惡毒的報導了……」 <br><br>eh...at that time I didn't know what he was talking about. Honestly now, I still haven't seen the 'bitchy' write up. Something about me being a has been. <br>唔……當時我還不曉得他所提到的究竟是什麼(報導)哩。老實說,直到現在我還是沒看到那篇說我已經過氣了的惡毒報導。 <br><br>I'M A HAS BEEN? IT'S OFFICIAL NOW IS IT. Bring it on darlings. If refusing to sign on to a record company means i'm a has been then so be it. I'm going my way, whether anyone else thinks it's a good idea. I'm sick of the packaging, sick of the manoeuvring of the press, sick of formulaic promotion kits, sick of lousy inflated figures. I'm going to do my thing, at my pace, and give it up for distribution to a company of my choice. I'm keeping my hair long because it belongs to me now, and singing songs that excite me, and loving every minute of my freedom. <br>我過氣了嗎?就一般官方的認知或許是。親愛的,讓我們這麼說吧。假使拒絕跟唱片公司簽合約就代表我已經過氣了的話,那就是了。我正要走我自己的路,不管有沒有人覺得那是個好主意。我厭倦唱片業的包裝、厭倦媒體宣傳的手法、厭倦刻板的宣傳方式、厭倦誇大的銷售數字。我要用我自己的步伐去作(音樂、專輯),然後挑選一家公司幫我發行。我把頭髮留長了,因為它終於屬於我的了,我要唱我真正想唱的歌,享受我每一分鐘的自由。 <br><br><br>I am no longer burdened by the unbearable lightness of being. It's great being free and I have Nicole to thank for reminding me how short life could be. <br>我不再為生命中不能承受之輕所壓迫,能夠自由享受生活(與工作)真的很棒,Nicole的悴逝讓我體驗到人生真的很短暫。 <br><br>I'm going my way so bring it on. <br>我要堅持走我自己的道路。 <br><br>(以上Abel留言由獅子座男子 Leo Man翻譯)</P><br><br><br><br><br>

蜡笔小新 发表于 2008-11-1 13:50:39

哦亲爱的请别哭泣时空变换一样爱你 祝你开心

彩姿 发表于 2008-11-2 09:00:01


ωǎ鎽姿 发表于 2008-11-5 20:32:33

<P> 我们都还在</P>

jiyiwuyuan 发表于 2008-11-17 17:16:27


ruirui_hsu 发表于 2008-11-12 00:20:40

<P>who is Abel??</P>

ruirui_hsu 发表于 2008-11-12 00:20:59

<P>who is Abel</P>

我爱晨 发表于 2008-10-30 18:22:34

<P>不会的燕姿   做你想做的吧   </P>

cheatchz 发表于 2008-10-30 19:02:41


工常煽疯 发表于 2008-10-30 19:32:18

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